The Ageing Population - Turning the housing and care market on its head

Event date


Older people are the fastest growing population group in the housing market:

  • Older people are living longer and healthier lives, have growing aspirations and wish to remain in housing settings and out of long term care
  • People over 65 control 80% of the Country's wealth
  • For some social landlords over 50% of the people they house are older people

And yet planners, providers, developers and strategic housing are just beginning to get to grips with the implications. This conference will look to the future for housing, care and support services and examine what needs to happen to support delivery and feature good practice examples.

The conference will explore the key issues:

  • How the ageing population will drive the housing market over the next decade and beyond
  • The potential of housing based provision to shift the balance away from long term care
  • How to develop buildings and services at a time when public funding is being cut back
  • Creating the planning environment for new development across all tenures



The conference is aimed at:

  • Local authority planners & housing strategy teams
  • Adult social care and health commissioners
  • Specialist and general needs providers
  • Social and private sector developers