The Dementia Challenge: Building Dementia-Friendly Communities (Supported by the HLIN) - London

Event date


Thursday 21st November 2013 from 11am to 3.45pm

London Marriott Hotel County Hall
London County Hall
Westminster Bridge Road

As the first ever G8 dementia summit approaches, this Westminster Briefing will provide delegates with an up-to-date insight into how dementia care is evolving in response to this health challenge.

Delegates will explore the Dementia Challenge and how has it evolved local care thus far. What can be learnt from the three challenge champion groups? Do dementia communities present the most appropriate model of care moving forward? And how has this strategy improved the health outcomes and care for those with dementia?


Speakers include:

  • Stephen Lloyd MP, Vice-Chair, APPG on Dementia
  • Roger King, Director, Safer and Stronger Solutions
  • Ruth Eley, Director, Life Story Network
  • Jo Moriarty, Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
  • Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse, Dementia UK
  • Geraldine Green, Senior Policy Officer, Alzheimer's Society (panel only)
  • Esther Watts, Dementia Action Alliance Coordinator, Alzheimer's Society
  • Sarah Mitchell, Strategic Director for Adult Social Care, Surrey County Council
  • Sue McLean, Director of Care Services and Outcomes, Community Integrated Care
  • Emma Barrett, Programme Manager, Social Innovation Lab for Kent

Click here to view the full programme (opens new window)

Engaging with the panel, key issues to be addressed at this Policy and Practice Briefing include:

  • Understanding the Dementia Challenge: building on from the National Dementia Strategy
  • Local allocation of funding
  • New decision-making and accountability structure: local direction and leadership
  • Impact of the Care Bill
  • What has been learnt from Dementia Friendly Communities?
  • Building on current dementia research: developing new care pathways
  • Early diagnosis: educating the public to raise awareness around the condition
  • Training a skilled workforce: strengthening frontline staff
  • Innovation in treatment and care
  • Implementing personalised care plans
  • Government's dementia goals and vision post 2015
  • Establishing new working partnerships: working with the third sector


Delegates will be drawn from across the health and social care sector, and the community more broadly, including: CCGs, LAs, Adult Social Services, care home providers, support workers, carers, public health services, GPs, Safeguarding Boards, third sector organisations, councils, schools, Dementia Friends, transport providers, local businesses, the police, the fire brigade, Dementia Action Alliance, and dementia care more broadly.


During the morning policy session, you will hear from a panel of experts on the progress of the Dementia Challenge. Examine the new local funding structure, care pathways and the availability of new technologies to improve patient care.

During the afternoon policy into practice session, delegates will explore case studies from Dementia Friendly Communities. Learn how to tailor dementia care plans to the needs of your local population, taking valuable lessons back to your setting.

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