West Midlands Housing LIN conference - Birmingham

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Housing for Older People - Problem or Solution?'

The wrong housing in the wrong place results in higher health and social care costs, poorer quality of life, increased pressure on family carers and inefficient use of the housing stock. Is there an adequate supply of the right kind of housing in the right place to enable older people to maximise their independence and improve the functioning of the housing market? If not, what action is required to ensure that housing provision meets the needs of older people and how will this impact on the wider economy?

The conference will explore how the right housing solutions for older people can contribute to resolving issues of concern to wider society.


  • 9.30 Coffee & registration
  • 10.00 Welcome & Introduction to the day - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN and Conference Chair
  • 10.15 Why Housing for Older People Matters - Tony Watts, Chair, South West Forum on Ageing
  • 10.40 Table discussion
  • 11.00 Housing Options for Owner Occupiers - Angela Morrison, Director, Quattro Design Architects
  • 11.25 Table discussion
  • 11.45 Housing with Care & Support - Ron Sims, Assistant Director of Housing, Dudley MBC
  • 12.10 Table discussion
  • 12.30 Panel discussion
    Panel members: Tony Watts, Angela Morrison & Ron Sims
  • 13.45 Staying Put - Sue Adams, Chief Executive, Care and Repair England
  • 14.10 Table discussion
  • 14.30 Housing Information and Advice - John Galvin, Chief Executive, Elderly Accommodation Counsel
  • 14.55 Table discussion
  • 15.15 Panel discussion
    Panel members: Sue Adams, John Galvin, Andrew Latto (Deputy Director, Work, Welfare & Wellbeing in Later Life, Department of Work & Pensions) & Dr Valerie Little (recently retired Director of Public Health, Dudley MBC)
  • 15.45 Sum up & close


The event will bring together older people and professionals with an interest in health, housing and social care to discuss housing provision in the rented and owner occupied sectors, effective solutions for those wishing to 'stay put' or 'move on' and the potential impact on health and social care services and the housing market as a whole.

Priority is given to delegates within the West Midlands Region


The aim of the event is to bring together expertise, ideas and experience to produce a conference report, which can be used to influence policymakers.

Booking Terms

Important notice: the conference is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend for the full cost of a conference place. This is due to the LIN incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this conference is £150 plus VAT per head.