Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Housing LIN Meeting

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be hosted by Abbeyfield Ilkley Society Limited from approximately 11am to 3.30pm at:

Grove House
12 Riddings Road
West Yorkshire
LS29 9BF

Click here for more details about the scheme (opens new window)
Click here for directions (opens new window)


  • 11.15 Welcome and Introductions - Paula Broadbent - Y&H LIN Regional Lead
  • 11.30 Tour of the scheme - Q&As - Sally Marney - General Manager Abbeyfield Ilkley Society Ltd
  • 13.00 Past Present and the Future of Extra care in Bradford - David Houliston, Abbeyfield Ilkley Society Ltd, TBC, Bradford MBC Housing & Jayne Hellowell, Bradford MBC Health & Social Care
    Each will give a talk on the journey from their organisations perspective and share with you the lessons learnt and vision for the future. Members will be invited to take part in a group discussion to share experiences and support all members to hopefully take away lessons learnt, thoughts and contacts within the network to support the delivery of specialised housing across the region.
  • 14.30 JRF Housing with Care Research - Karen Croucher, University of York
    Karen will present the findings of the recently launched research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • 15.00 Update from the Housing LIN - Paula Broadbent - Y&H LIN Regional Lead
    Including: Capturing examples of activity and best practice relating Dementia Awareness
  • 15.30 CLOSE


Priority is given to delegates within the Yorks & Humbers Region


This is the second of a series of meetings the Y&H regional Housing LIN will be holding over the next few months to allow providers share their experience of developing, commissioning and managing Extra care and how their vision looks going forward to address the challenges with funding, welfare reform, demographic and changing expectations.

Paula Broadbent aims to set up a network meeting in each part of the region i.e North, South East and West as a minimum over the next 6 months.

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice.