2nd Panel Debate: Innovations in Service Delivery
Chaired by Mel Knight, Group Chief Executive of Castleoak
Panelists included: Charlotte Cook (Partner, Winckworth Sherwood) - Bruce Moore (CEO, Housing & Care 21) - Martin Shreeve (Chair of ExtraCare Charitable Trust) - Kim Scott (Individual Support Director, Places for People) - Simon Arnold, (Group Chief Customer Officer, Tunstall HealthCare) - and Paul Tennant, (Group CEO, Orbit Group)
The panellist explored the following questions:
- What needs to be done to make housing organisations deliver inspirational service delivery?
- What are the panel members doing in their own organisation?
- With increasing pressure on finances (capital and revenue), does inspiration pay?
- Is there evidence that assistive technology is being used effectively in ECH to improve outcomes for older and vulnerable people
- How can ECH promote the health, wellbeing and quality of life of people with dementia living in the wider community?
- Following Paul Burstow's Commission, do members of the panel foresee a time when ECH completely replaces residential care, or is there still a place for care homes?
- Looking 20 years forward, what services would make you choose to live in housing with care?