1st Panel Debate

Empowering Local Authorities to deliver flexible and sustainable extra care solutions

Chair: Paula Broadbent, Director, Retirement Housing Solutions, Keepmoat


  • Neil Revely, ADASS Housing Policy Group and advisor to LGA Housing Commission
  • Kate Webster, Director, Energy, Infrastructure & Government at Walker Morris LLP
  • Caroline Cormack, team leader of affordable housing programmes and policy, Homes and Communities Agency
  • Bruce Moore, Chief Executive, Housing & Care 21

The panellist explored the following questions:

Shaping supply/local markets

  • What do you see the role of local authorities in stimulating new supply of extra care housing?
  • What are the routes to the market, that will attract and accelerate delivery?
  • We heard about the launch of the dementia-friendly housing charter, how can local authorities support the adoption of dementia-friendly approaches in extra care housing

Scheme viability

  • How can the public sector attract partners to take the risk on developing specialist housing when Government policies are so fluid, for example, Local Housing Allowance arrangements?
  • Why would Registered Providers want to continue to develop Extra Care Housing in this environment?

Inward investment

  • What is the role of the HCA and how can they help stimulate investment from the private sector?
  • Is there a critical mass to attract investment?

Innovative product development

  • Can multiple products be delivered through a public private partnership or can different types and tenure of housing and services attract the private sector to invest across wide areas?
  • What other more consumer-driven innovative developments can you see in your crystal ball?
  • We hear more about integrated care, should a development partnership be led by housing, health or social care?