Knowledge & Innovation Sessions - 14.10 to 15.10

01. Building all age Communities and Transforming Lives

Led by Paula Broadbent, Retirement Solutions Director, Keepmoat - @keepmoatgroup

Keepmoat and Partners Walker Morris plc will share the journey so far of this strategic partnership, with Kebbell Homes, Sanctuary and Scarborough Borough Council which is sighted by the HCA as an exemplar for delivering an all age all tenure housing and community regeneration solution. Early outcomes include; Extra Care housing, the replacement of a LA Residential Care home and supported housing for people with a learning disability, developed alongside starter homes, family housing for sale and lifelong homes exclusively for the over 55's, plus a new school and community facilities. Paula Broadbent Retirement Solutions Director will be joined by Partners to share their experience of what's worked well and the opportunities to replicate such place shaping partnerships without lengthy and costly procurement.

02. How can Occupational Therapists contribute to housing design?

Led by Marney Walker, Independent Occupational Therapist - @marneywalker  and Lauren Walker, Occupational Therapist, Greenwich Borough Council and Jenny Buterchi, Partner, PRP - @PRP_News

A workshop that explores the unique skill set occupational therapists bring to ensure homes are accessible and adaptable to the changing needs of residents as they age. It will highlight how their first-hand experience of working with end users can inform the design and specification of new build, refurbishments and adaptations. 

This workshop invites discussion and knowledge exchange across disciplines. We will consider:

  • How OTs can input on the inclusive design of housing
  • A recent initiative involving OTs working with Secure by Design
  • Effective joint working methods with housing developers, commissioners, architects and contractors to ensure specialist housing is fit for purpose.

03. Delivering Inspirational Homes and Services to enable Amazing Ageing

Led by Sue Lock, Director of Strategy and Policy (Older People) and Robin Macintosh (Head of Community Services - South), Guinness Care, part of The Guinness Partnership - @YourGuinness

The purpose of this session is to share how Wulvern Housing, now part of The Guinness Partnership, went about transforming its service offer and homes for older people.

This will include the barriers that needed to be overcome , identifying the burning platform leading to change , budgetary implications ,risks and rewards for all , and  how we are now working on the strategy to  transform The Guinness Partnership's older people's housing and services.

04. Reimagining housing with care: new approaches to technology and design

Led by David McKinney, Managing Director UK & Ireland, Tunstall Healthcare - @TunstallHealth and John Nordon, Design Director, PegasusLife

Discover how digital solutions and inspired architecture can support wellbeing, freedom and happiness in later life.

PegasusLife’s philosophy is that everyone, irrespective of age, shares the desire to live in a beautifully designed, socially inclusive environment, supported by first class services.

Tunstall’s Connected Healthcare solutions open up a new world of possibilities for the provision of care in the home, enabling safety, independence and inclusion.

This session will explore how design and technology can be blended to create great quality, aspirational housing which realises the potential of the latest solutions and creates a gateway to the future.

05. Still the missing option?  Revisiting market rented housing for older people

Led by Jenny Pannell (Imogen Blood & Associates) and Charlotte Cook, Partner, Winckworth Sherwood LLP - @ws_law

Back in 2014, our Housing LIN conference session and PRS Briefings 1 & 2 asked why there wasn’t more market rented housing designed for older people.  We explored why older people might choose market rent, and featured providers who offered this option. 

Three years later, what is different?  Why is there more interest now?  Who might be investing and developing for this market?  Are there any new players?  How have the opportunities - and barriers - changed?  We will draw on recent research and developments, and look forward to another lively debate to feed into our forthcoming PRS Briefing 3.

06. The future of the retirement rental model in the UK

Led by Tom Scaife, Partner, Knight Frank - @KnightFrank

A workshop on different tenure models and lessons from America.

07. Leasehold sales premiums in Older People’s Housing – dispelling the myths

Led by Ben Hartley, Director, Carterwood - @Carterwoodltd

One of the most frequently asked questions of Carterwood when undertaking local market analysis is “what premium can my specialist Older People’s housing project achieve?”  To ensure a viable development opportunity, traditional conventions indicate that a “premium” is required above traditional housing to help to offset some of the challenges of additional development costs and the potential risks involved in developing this specialist form of housing.

But how is this premium calculated? Does it even exist? Does it vary regionally or by operator / developer?  Does “extra care” generate a higher premium than more traditional forms of sheltered housing? What are the key factors that influence a sales premium?

These are the issues that Carterwood will consider in a typically innovative workshop to try and dispel some of the myths surrounding the assessment of leasehold development opportunities.

08. Kindliness in Dorset – Work in Progress - Enabling neighbourliness and peer support in sheltered housing

Led by Robin James, Service Development Officer, Dorset County Council and Wendy Cutts, Senior Lecturer in Community Development, Bournemouth University

Financial pressures have resulted in deep cuts in funding for Sheltered Housing. Dorset County Council’s response has included partnering with Bournemouth University on work to increase neighbourliness and peer support. Following on from research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation a methodology and toolkit has been developed. The aim is to help to create vibrant mutually supportive communities where residents feel able to ask for support and to offer support to their peers. Identifying that, in many cases, culture change was needed, innovative scheme-based sessions involve poetic enquiry and forum theatre.

The workshop will set the scene, discuss our findings, showcase the toolkit and offer an opportunity to experience what it is like to participate in a scheme-based session.

09. Dementia Friendly Housing Charter

Led by Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes, Head of Strategic Engagement, Housing & Care 21 - @HousingCare21 and Sara Miles, Programme Partnership Manager, Alzheimer’s Society

The dementia-friendly housing charter is a key deliverable from the Prime Minister’s 2020 challenge. It is aimed at the full range of professionals working in the housing sector, from planners and architects to landlords and developers. Aimed at all tenures, it is designed to help all professionals support people living with dementia in their homes and facilitate consistency and good practice.

It provides signposts to the relevant resources and examples of good practice to encourage individuals and organisations to sign up to the charter and commit to actions relevant to the size and maturity of the organisation.