2nd Panel Debate

Building value into the procurement of extra care housing: Improving efficiencies and driving up quality

Chair: Steve Skuse, New Business Director, Willmott Partnership Homes


  • Phil Bayliss, Managing Director of Retirement Housing, Legal & General Capital
  • Charlotte Cook, Partner, Winkworth Sherwood
  • Ben Hartley, Director, Carterwood
  • Susan Rugg, Associate Director, Faithful+Gould

The panellist explored the following questions:

Current Procurement Overview

  • What experience do you have currently of the programme of projects coming forward?
  • What are the common themes that stall or protract the delivery of new extra care housing?


  • Do you think the extra care housing offer needs a radical change or just some minor interventions?
  • Do you see the private or public sector leading the delivery or a blend of both sectors?

Improving Efficiencies and driving up quality

  • Have you seen or are you aware of improved efficiencies in procurement?
  • What do you think needs to change to drive up quality – and how would you define quality?
  • Have you seen examples of increased ‘up front’ capital investment reducing longer term revenue subsidy?

Future Markets

  • Do you see future generations demanding something different?
  • Do you see advances in technology and future generations driving demand for a different service and product?