
None of us could foresee the significant impact of Coronavirus on our home and/or working lives. Indeed, back in March - as COVID-19 was taking hold - we had to cancel our 'sell out' annual conference which was due to be held in Manchester last March at the last minute.

Using our now popular HAPPI Hour brand, we reframed the programme and rescheduled our high-profile event, rebranding it the Housing LIN Summit 2020 – Reaching for the Top.

To celebrate the Housing LIN Summit 2020, we also designated the week as the first ever HAPPI Awareness Week. We wanted to further raise awareness over the 5 days about the virtues of designing care-ready accommodation and age-friendly housing services, promoting what's best in housing for an ageing population, sharing the key learning and improvement points and celebrating the benefits of HAPPI with you. Get connected with #HAPPIweek

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