We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors for their support and making the Housing LIN’s Summit the premier networking event of the year.
From creating the right conditions and inward investment opportunities to shape our communities to ‘age well, live well and stay well’ to exploring innovations in age-friendly design, construction and technology solutions that can fast-track government growth targets and meet local housing needs and aspirations, #HLINSummit21 has something for everyone.
It offers a series of free, online IdeaTalks sessions throughout the week that will draw out ‘the art of the possible’ to inspire you when planning, designing and/or developing HAPPI-influenced housing for our ageing population.
This year's Summit is also the 10th anniversary of the first ever Housing LIN annual conference and coincides with HAPPI Awareness Week, celebrating the benefits of designing care-ready accommodation and age-friendly housing services. With many HAPPI-inspired winning entries in this year's Housing Design Awards, we want to further raise awareness over the 5 days and celebrate the benefits of HAPPI with you.
We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors for their support and making the Housing LIN’s Summit the premier networking event of the year.