Ian is responsible for the Housing LIN’s research and consultancy business. He has a track record of working for Government and a large number of local authorities, NHS organisations, housing providers and research funding bodies across the UK to undertake projects in relation to housing, accommodation and support for older people and people with support needs. He has worked as a local authority commissioner of housing and care services and for housing associations in development and management roles.
He is the author (with Ipsos MORI) of the Supported Accommodation Review (2016) for the Department of Work and Pensions and the (former) Department of Communities and Local Government Review, the NHF’s Home from Hospital (2018) report highlighting how social landlords can support NHS and local authority commissioners to improve the wellbeing of older people, a co-author of Adaptations without Delay (2019) for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, author of the LGA’s Housing our ageing population (2022) covering exemplary local authority practice in relation to older people’s housing and co-author of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People’s Inquiry into sheltered housing (due to be published in summer 2024).