£505 million for Disabled Facilities Grants in 2020-21
In a letter to local authority Chief Executives, the government has confirmed that they will receive a share of the £505m made available for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) for 2020/21, expected to be allocated in May this year. The total spend remains at £505 million, the same level as 2019-20.
The letter specifies that “the DFG is capital funding for the provision of home adaptations to help older and disabled people to live as independently and safely as possible in their homes. Where agreed locally (and in two-tier areas with the express agreement of district councils), a portion of the grant may also be used for wider social care capital projects. A grant determination letter outlining the conditions of grant usage will be issued to local authorities to coincide with the payments being made.”
Details of each local authority allocation is set out in Annex B. This gives the amount by upper tier authority and includes any amount to be passed on to any districts where they have statutory responsibility for operating the DFG programme locally.