A must read, latest Housing LIN weekly bulletin (21 May 2015)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
New Housing LIN case study: Community Hubs - A partnership approach to creating community based services for older people in Gloucestershire
This Housing LIN case study provides an overview of the initial findings from the first year's evaluation of the development of Community Hubs in Gloucestershire. It is based on a paper originally prepared for the Director of Public Health to demonstrate the outcomes being achieved for older residents in the county. In particular, it found that many older people withdraw or desist completely from attempting new activities. By providing a broad range of activities within a safe, comfortable environment, Community Hubs will engender an ethos of active ageing and positive outcomes in wellbeing will follow. With the growth of social prescribing on the horizon, the Community Hubs represent a very viable option for health professionals to refer/recommend into.
More at: www.housinglin.org.uk/CommunityHubs_CaseStudy
New Housing LIN blog: Designing for Wellbeing in Environments for Later Life
Written by Dr Sarah Wigglesworth, Professor of Architecture at the University of Sheffield and colleagues on the DWELL team, for the Housing LIN to coincide with the May Design Series at Excel, London, 17-18 May 2015, explores the link between home, the built environment and the health and wellbeing of residents across for sites in Sheffield. Read at: www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/resource/?coid=9581
New Housing LIN Blog: The NHS cannot stand still on social care
Written by Julienne Meyer CBE, Professor of Nursing: Care for Older People and Executive Director, My Home Life, City University London and John Myatt, Strategic Development Director, Healthcare, Serco, this blog is based on an article that first appeared in HSJ. It looks at the findings of two recent commissions and how accommodation solutions should be more effectively integrated with NHS and social care pathways. Read at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/resource/?coid=9582
All our Futures: Housing for Ageing
In the Spring of 2015 leading figures from the housing and ageing sectors came together at a summit to map out the actions required to address the critical issue of housing for an ageing population. This resultant Housing and Ageing Alliance report summarise the key messages about housing and ageing for everyone who wants this country to be a good place in which to grow old. In particular, it was agreed that:
- Housing is fundamental to dignity and security in older age
- Housing underpins health and wellbeing. It is the foundation of a sustainable NHS and social care system and needs to be an equal part of the integration agenda
- At a time of unprecedented demographic change, housing, planning, health and social care must all systematically address population ageing
- Housing plays a critical role in the UK economy. Older people live in a third of all homes and are the major driver of household growth. Housing and ageing is therefore of enormous economic importance.
Download at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/HAA/HAA_NewsRelease_Istayhome.pdf
Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund bid deadline looms
Further to the launch of Phase 2 of the Department of Health's £115m CASSH Fund programme at the Housing LIN annual conference, the deadline for bids to the HCA is Wednesday, 29 May.
For details, visit our funding pages at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingExtraCare/FundingExtraCareHousing/DHCapitalFundingProgramme/CASSHF2013-15/CASSHF2015-18/
Maximising the Benefits of Passivhaus: A Guide to Supporting Older Occupants
This guide by the University of Manchester Institute for Collaboration on Ageing, Eastlands Homes and the Housing LIN is aimed at housing providers and architects and provides recommendations on how to enable occupants to adapt to living in Passivhaus dwellings and gain the maximum benefits available. In particular, the guide considers what support should be given to older occupants.
Download at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/OtherOrganisation/Maximising_the_Benefits_of_Passivhaus.pdf
Dying Matters Awareness Week - Talk, Plan, Live
This week is Dying Matters Awareness Week and aims to get people talking about dying, death and bereavement and making plans for their end of life.
To find out more about housing about end of life care, check out our recent briefing with NCF, NCPC and NHSIQ at: http://www.housinglin.org.uk/HousingAndEndOfLifeCare/
Telecare LIN weekly update
This week's news headlines from the Telecare LIN can be downloaded in two formats (doc: pdf) at:
- Telecare LIN News Headlines: 21 May 2015 (doc - 96Kb)
- Telecare LIN News Headlines: 21 May 2015 (pdf - 355Kb)
Forthcoming Housing LIN regional meeting
- 11/06/2015 - Yorkshire & Humber Regional Housing LIN meeting, Doncaster
- 01/07/2015 - SW Regional Housing LIN meeting, Taunton
- 09/07/2015 - East of England Regional Housing LIN meeting, Hoddesdon
- 04/11/2015 - NW Regional Conference, Manchester (Save the date!)
Registrations now open at: www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents
Other events supported by the Housing LIN
CIH Annual Conference & Exhibition
The Housing LIN is delighted to be supporting the Health and Housing 'hub' at this year's CIH conference in Manchester (23-26 June). Come and meet the team. There is also a 2 day event conference within a conference on 24 and 25 June. Jeremy will be speaking on the 2nd day. More at: www.cihhousing.com/Content/Health-Social-Care-and-Housing-Conference/11/
Enhanced health in care homes: Developing integrated care: what role do care homes play?
Jeremy will be chairing a session which will focus on housing based models of care at this King's Fund event in London 2 July 2015. Register at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/events/enhanced-health-care-homes
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.