A must read, latest Housing LIN weekly bulletin (4 June 2015)
Welcome to LINks, the weekly e-bulletin from the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network) where we put a selection of latest information, resources and events under the spotlight. In this week's issue, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
New Housing LIN viewpoint - Any the wiser? Deprivation of liberty in housing
In this new Viewpoint, Sue Garwood shares her current understanding of the position with regard to depriving someone of their liberty in a housing setting if they lack the mental capacity to consent. It builds on August 2014's Housing LIN Viewpoint 65 and outlines both the aspects which have become clearer and those which remain unclear or contentious. With the Law Commission consultation on proposed changes to the authorisation of deprivation of liberty due to start in July, the updated Viewpoint aims to raise awareness of the issue within the housing sector.
Download at: www.housinglin.org.uk/DoLHousing_Viewpoint
Peer Support: what is it and does it work? new evidence review
This informative review of peer support literature by Nesta and National Voices shows that there is a limited understanding of the different forms of peer support, how best to deliver support and the forms of training and infrastructure to get the most impact from it. It explains that further evidence is needed to fully understand the impact it has on the health service and individuals with long-term health conditions. However, it does show that peer support can help people feel more knowledgeable, confident and happy and less isolated and alone.
Read at: www.housinglin.org.uk/pagefinder.cfm?coid=9593
The 2015 Ageing Report: EU Member States (2013-2060)
This report from the European Commission focuses on the costs of projected demographic change until 2060. It sheds light on the economic, budgetary and societal challenges that policy makers will have to face in the future as a result of these trends. The report's long-term projections provide an indication of the timing and scale of challenges that can be expected so as to inform European policy makers about the scale and timing of the challenges they must face in relation to expenditure on health, long-term care, education, pensions and unemployment benefits, including data about the UK.
Forthcoming Housing LIN regional meeting
- 11/06/2015 - Yorkshire & Humber Regional Housing LIN meeting, Doncaster
- 01/07/2015 - SW Regional Housing LIN meeting, Taunton
- 09/07/2015 - East of England Regional Housing LIN meeting, Hoddesdon
Registrations now open under the link below: www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents
Other events supported by the Housing LIN
CIH Annual Conference & Exhibition
The Housing LIN is delighted to be supporting the Health and Housing 'hub' at this year's CIH conference in Manchester (23-26 June). Come and meet the team. There is also a 2 day event conference within a conference on 24 and 25 June. Jeremy will be speaking on the 2nd day. More at: www.cihhousing.com/Content/Health-Social-Care-and-Housing-Conference/11
Enhanced health in care homes: Developing integrated care: what role do care homes play?
Jeremy will be chairing a session which will focus on housing based models of care at this King's Fund event in London 2 July 2015. Register at: www.kingsfund.org.uk/events/enhanced-health-care-homes
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for latest news, views and resources on housing with care matters.