ARCO have launched a new term for our sector – Integrated Retirement Community (IRC)

Responding to research on the views of older people which showed that they were ‘fed up’ with outdated terminology, the Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO) have launched a new term for our sector – Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) – to describe their service-led operational model.

ARCO led calls for clearer language and clearer housing choices – in particular a desire to end the use of terms such as old people’s homes. After consulting with 600 55 – 75+ year olds across England, findings show that existing terms to be confusing and at times offputting, leaving people unclear and uninspired when considering an ever growing number of new living options now available.

Taking on respondents’ recommendations for new terminology, ARCO has called on the sector and Government to use a single term, ‘Integrated Retirement Community’, to describe the new form of specialist housing

Integrated Retirement Communities offer older people the opportunity to live independently in their own home as part of a wider community. Lifestyle, wellbeing and care services are available to support people’s independence and aspirations. 

ARCO says these communities are the fast-emerging ‘lifestyle option’ for older people, sitting between ‘sheltered housing’ where minimal support is provided, and ‘care’ or ‘nursing’ homes, which are increasingly focussed on supporting people with higher levels of care needs.