Ambitious new recommendations on the future of housing with care and support published by SCIE

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A new report, published by the Commission on the Role of Housing in the Future of Care and Support, concludes that an overhaul is needed on how housing with care and support is planned, commissioned, designed and delivered.

The report’s authors say that this will require concerted action nationally and locally, with a ten-year strategy for housing with care and support. It calls for ambitious plans for housing with care and support to be at the heart of the White Paper for social care.

The Commission looked at the spectrum of housing options that provide care and support, including retirement housing, care homes, extra care, Shared Lives, supported living and co-housing and heard from a range of older people about the challenges and difficulties they face – and the choices they want to see.

The report includes a number of recommendations for national government, for local authorities and local partners, and for developers and providers and paints a picture of what the route to achieving more choice, more consistently provides could look like.