As we celebrate Starts at Home Day, learn how we can create homes that older people love

Francis Burrows

This blog by Francis Burrows, Former Director of Support and Service Development at Orbit Homes, explores the significant opportunities to improve housing for older people, emphasising the need to modernise outdated sheltered housing schemes in Bexley, London.

By transforming these into modern Independent Living properties, the blog highlights how these changes provide safe, welcoming and desirable homes that offer residents choice and control over their lives. With successful refurbishments already underway and plans for future developments, the blog highlights the importance of investing in these properties to meet the growing demand for quality housing for older adults.

Read on to find out how these efforts align with the recommendations from the recent All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Inquiry report and the broader goal of enhancing housing options for older people.

This blog has been published to coincide with Starts at Home Day 2024 (opens new window), celebrating the value of care and support services and the difference that having a safe and secure place to call home can make to people’s lives.