Caring for our Future Consultation
In July 2013, the Department of Health published a consultation document 'Caring for Our Future: Consultation on reforming what and how people pay for their care and support.' (opens new window) This document sets out how the government proposes to implement the recommendations from Andrew Dilnot's enquiry into the future funding of social care and support, and invites responses to a series of questions. The consultation closes on the 25th October.
The Housing LIN has submitted a response to one of the questions, specifically in relation to charging for care in housing with care in the context of the growing practice of using personal budgets for planned care, while the availability of 24/7 care and support is charged for separately - the "core and add-on" approach to care delivery. Our submission is a response to the Call for Evidence 8 (p31) and addresses the question: "In what areas would different approaches be needed to reflect the different circumstances of people who are receiving care and support in the range of care settings? Please explain your answer illustrating with evidence on the number of people who could be affected where possible". You may wish to submit a response on behalf of your own organisation to this or any other question or call for evidence.
The Housing LIN response (opens new window) highlights two areas for consideration:
- How the charge for the core 24/7 availability of care will be dealt with in the forthcoming Charging Guidance
- The cumulative impact on the future affordability of housing with care of these changes coupled with welfare reform and possible future changes to supported housing funding