Celebrating the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities


It's International Day of Persons with Disabilities today (3 December) which this year is putting the spotlight on 3 themes: employment, sports and reducing inequality.

On reducing inequalities in the built environment, the Housing LIN is proud to be a member of the HoME Coalition (opens new window) which champions inclusive and accessible housing for people with a disability.

Following the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) consultation last year, we await the government’s announcement of the next steps it now plans to take on introducing Part M4(2) for accessible and adaptable dwellings.

And if you missed this on Saturday, a BBC investigation reported (opens new window) that major cities in England are failing to plan for any wheelchair accessible homes. It found three of the 10 largest cities have no requirements beyond the national guidelines, which only say homes should allow wheelchair users through doors and hallways on the entrance level.