Co-production week highlights collaborative efforts in housing solutions

Hosted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), this week marks Co-Production Week, an opportunity for the housing for older people sector to encourage collaboration between residents, housing providers and community stakeholders to design and implement housing solutions that truly meet the needs of older adults.

What’s fixed and what’s flexible? An honest approach to co-production

This new blog by Jennie Shrewsbury, Good Practice Mentors Programme and Co-production Lead at South Yorkshire Housing Association, was published to coincide with Co-production week 2024.

Jennie shares how at South Yorkshire Housing Association they believe co-production demands honesty about their efforts and limitations. Instead of diluting trust by confusing consultation with co-production, they focus on achievable steps to include people’s voices in our work.

This involves planning, capacity, and budgeting, often scarce resources. They prioritise core principles like Equality, Diversity, Reciprocity, and Accessibility to ensure meaningful involvement. New to co-production? Read on to find out more about their Good Practice Mentors who offer free, bespoke support that can guide your organisation in this journey.

Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI)

The power of co-production

Over the past few decades, we have seen a ‘revolution’ in the way digital and online technologies, communications and media influence our daily lives. However, the same cannot be said for the role of digital and technology in care, health and housing – especially in relation to older adults and people with disabilities. Often siloed, there is an urgent need to adopt more joined-up approaches across local services and systems, enabled by technology.

TAPPI aims to provide you with the knowledge and tools to improve the way technology is used to support people living independently. 

As part of the TAPPI project, our Co-production and Engagement partner - Co Production Works - shared key learnings to provide the information and guidance needed for organisations who wish to co-produce the introduction of technology into later life housing.

They worked closely with Debra Edwards, one of the co-production champions for TAPPI, who shared her lived experience of drawing on care and support, and reflected on the key principles that make co-production a success in her personal story and blog entitled The Power of co-production

CollaborAGE Directory

The Housing LIN has long championed a variety of community-led approaches to housing for an ageing population. This online Directory seeks to enhance understanding and inspire local groups to co-produce innovative approaches to determine what might work in their community.

It specifically builds on the Housing LIN’s concept of ‘CollaborAGE’ and offers a range of useful materials to raise awareness and showcase latest practice.

“With housing one of the fundamentals of life at any age, a CollaborAGE manifesto would surely begin with central and local government, house-builders and others working with older people to provide homes they want to live in. Homes that are situated within thriving, inter-generational communities.”

Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN

Join us in celebrating Co-Production Week as we work together to empower older adults through collaborative and inclusive housing solutions.