Conferences "Meeting the challenges of an ageing society" - Housing LIN
In a society that's living longer, how do we meet the challenges of an ageing population? This conference will draw on the expertise of leaders in this field, and on valuable insights from 19 projects funded and supported by hact and the LintelTrust. By attending this event, you will discuss the Government's new National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society and explore new approaches to meet the challenges this will create in the social housing sector. Sessions will look at how housing associations can work in partnership with other third sector organizations to develop solutions now and for the future, and meet the needs of the most marginalized older people in our communities.
Dates & location
Wednesday 7 November 2007 The Midland Hotel, Manchester
Tuesday 11 December 2007 Royal Institute of British Architects, London
Reduced-rate places & how to apply
The Henry Smith Charity has kindly funded the bursaries towards reduced rate places for individual older people and members of small, under-resourced organizations. If you wish to apply for a reduced-rate delegate place, please read the information contained in the conference brochure and, if you meet the criteria, fill in the relevant boxes and return your completed booking form.
Please note that if you do not meet the criteria but feel that you should benefit from having a reduced place that you are very welcome to contact us to discuss this. We will assess each case on an individual basis.
Conference brochure & booking form
Please see link below to download a conference brochure and booking form.
For more information
NHF are administering these events. If you have any queries, please contact NHF's Business Sales and Support Team by post: National Housing Federation, Lion Court, 25 Procter Street, London, WC1V 6NY; by email: ; by phone: 020 7067 1066; or by fax: 020 7067 1015.
Please accept our apologies if you have already received this email.
Octavia House
50 Banner Street
Tel 020 7247 7800
Fax 020 7247 2212