Coproduction Awareness Week 2021

CollaborAGE ealert

The Housing LIN champions a variety of community-led approaches to housing for an ageing population. So, for Co-production Week 2021 (opens new window), we would like to draw attention to a range of useful materials to raise awareness and showcase latest practice.

As the COIVD-19 pandemic has illustrated, when people are motivated by a common interest, new partnerships are formed. The CollaborAGE Directory therefore seeks to enhance understanding and inspire local groups to coproduce innovative approaches to determine what might work in their community.

“With housing one of the fundamentals of life at any age, a CollaborAGE manifest would surely begin with central and local government, housing-builders and others working with older people to provide homes they want to live in. Homes that are situated within thriving, inter-generational communities” Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN

In producing this Directory, we have identified nine elements that are important for collaborative success:

  1. Making the connection with health and wellbeing
  2. Engagement of current/political residents from outset
  3. Political support
  4. Community Chest – Developing Physical and Social Assets
  5. Shared interest and goals
  6. Engagement of wider community
  7. People as connectors
  8. A proactive approach to increasing diversity, equality and inclusion
  9. Rules of engagement and governance

Learn more about the benefits of coproduction as an appraoch that offers the chance to transform housing, health and socail care provision to a model that offers people real choice and control.