Cross sector 'Hospital 2 Home' resource launched
A new sector led resource pack to encourage and support cross sector co-operation across housing, health and social care has been launched.
The Hospital 2 Home pack aims to highlight the key role of housing in enabling an independent and healthy later life and offers practical ideas to support a joint approach across sectors and professions.
It provides essential information for people working in health, housing, social care and the voluntary sector and will help them to improve systems of support for older patients who are being discharged from hospital to their own homes.
The pack was produced by a Task and Finish group involving Care & Repair England, Chartered Institute of Housing, Housing Learning and Improvement Network, Royal College of Nursing, College of Occupational Therapists, British Geriatrics Society, ADASS, British Red Cross, Age UK, Foundations, The Local Government Association and the Kings Fund. It was supported by the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department of Health.
The joint initiative was prompted by a recommendation made by the All Partly Parliamentary Group (Housing & Care for Older People) Inquiry into 'Living Well at Home (opens new window)' in 2011.
The group members will now promote the use of the Hospital 2 Home resources amongst their members.