Curated Highlights: Noteworthy Finds from This Week

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As we pause for a summer interlude with the Housing LIN e-newsletter, HLINks, let's catch a glimpse of noteworthy finds from the week ending Friday, 18th August 2023.

Further weight is given to planning reforms to aid the delivery of older persons’ housing

In this Housing LIN guest blog, Mark Slater, Design Director at WWA Studios, reflects on the British Property Federation getting behind the older persons' sector and pushing for planning reform with a series of recommendations.

Commissioner for Older People and Ageing (opens new window)

The Centre for Ageing Better is calling for an independent commissioner to champion the rights of older people and ensure policymaking considers the needs of England's ageing population. An Older People and Ageing Commissioner would address inequalities and give marginalised older people a voice, help government deal with the challenges of an ageing population, have official powers to investigate relevant issues, and challenge age-based discrimination.

LGBTQ+ housing network announces new delivery partner and advisory group (opens new window)

LGBTQ+ housing network HouseProud has appointed a new delivery partner and advisory group. Stonewall Housing will help deliver the HouseProud pledge, which commits social landlords to working with involved LGBTQ+ residents to guarantee meaningful engagement, “beyond token gestures”.

Celebrating the power of youth (opens new window)

Ahead of #InternationalYouthDay, Sarah Mitton, Age Friendly Communities Manager at Clarion Futures, talks about how Clarion Futures supports young people and shares her thoughts on the importance of youth social action and the difference it can make.

Linden Farm: The family who turned a care home for adults with complex needs on its head (opens new window)

Finding a home for adults with complex care needs can be a challenge many families face. But one couple decided to try something new and developed a care home for their son which has gained international interest. Read their story! (opens new window)