Curated Highlights: Noteworthy Finds from Week Ending 25 August 2023

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As we pause for a summer interlude with the Housing LIN e-newsletter, HLINks, let's catch a glimpse of noteworthy finds from the week ending on Friday, 25th August 2023.

How are housing services approaching the transition to digital?

Written by Kevin McSorley, Head of Radius Connect24, this Housing LIN guest blog looks at approaching technology within housing services to support tenants and his hopes for the digital future.

A week in the life of… a TAPPI Tec project officer

First published in Inside Housing on August 4 2023, this Housing LIN guest blog by Dan Rock, TAPPI Tec Project Officer at Platform Housing, talks through his week of helping older residents use technology to do the things they love.

TSA - The End-to-End Resilience of TEC Solutions (opens new window)

New Guidance from TAPPI Partner, TSA: 'The End-to-End Resilience of TEC Solutions'. Built from TSA's Special Interest Groups' expertise, it merges resilience standards, best practices and real-world applications, ensuring consistent support for alarm users. 

Rapidly progressing conditions grant pathway for Gloucestershire (opens new window)

This blog, written by Neil Withnell, Specialist Housing Occupational Therapist at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, shares an insight into a new scheme for rapidly progressing conditions/MND pathway.

Longevity white paper: Maximising the opportunities of longer lives (opens new window)

The ILC has embarked on a programme of work to develop a new Longevity White Paper, identifying the changes we need to make to grasp the opportunities of population ageing, and longer lives. This project aims to:

  • Present a positive, solution-focused vision for the UK and the world.
  • Make the case for longevity to be recognised at the heart of government planning and thinking.
  • Set out how and why businesses should work to maximise the ‘longevity dividend’.

Home Improvement: A Triple Dividend - Part One: Boosting the British Economy

Published by the Centre for Ageing Better, this report reveals how a small investment in improving the safety, heating and accessibility of the nation’s poorest-quality homes could have substantial economic benefits.

The Cost of Ignoring Poor Housing

This research builds on Building Research Establishment's (BRE) earlier Cost of Poor Housing Research and reveals that remedial work to England’s poorest housing could provide £135.5 billion (bn) in societal benefits over the next 30 years.

Housing associations need to tackle the stigma to promote later living developments (opens new window)

This new Inside Housing blog, written by Louise Drew, Partner & Head of Building Communities at Shakespeare Martineau, sheds light on the main beliefs discouraging people from moving into later living accommodation.