Dementia Action Week 2023 - Housing LIN resources

Dementia Action Week image

Dementia Action Week (15-21 May) is an awareness raising campaign. Each year, Alzheimer's Society works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to act on dementia.

This year's theme is dementia diagnosis.

Adapting Homes for Cognitive Impairment – Dementia-friendly design

Frequently, a dementia diagnosis is not typically prioritised unless there is an imminent danger. Consequently, adaptations are implemented too late in their diagnosis, resulting in the person's condition progressing to a point where they encounter difficulty in utilising the new adaptation due to its unfamiliarity.

With this in mind, Jane Jones, Senior Occupational Therapist at Stoke on Trent City Council, reflects on a 3-year project to design level access shower schemes for Client’s with a Cognitive impairment in this new Housing LIN guest blog

Other Housing LIN resources

With thanks to Pozzoni and The Guinness Partnership, we host a range of dementia-friendly resources on how we can help develop a better range of housing choices and services for people living with dementia, such as:

  • Personal stories - living with dementia
    Based on true stories, these case studies describe people living with dementia in a variety of housing settings. In each case, a focus on individual histories, preferences, and skills has helped them, their carers, and their families to live as well as they can in their chosen homes.
  • Housing for people with dementia – are we ready?
    This Inquiry report by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People pulls together the evidence presented to the Inquiry's expert Panel, the research, and analysis undertaken to understand the housing implications of people living with dementia and makes over 40 key policy and practice recommendations for dementia-readiness.
  • HAPPI Hour - My home matters: living with dementia, are we ready?
    We were are delighted to be joined by TIDE who presented on their booklet on housing and dementia. The booklet is designed to help older people think about what matters to them in relation to home and plan ahead for a potential move. 

Support Dementia Action Week by downloading and sharing Alzheimer's Society's posters, flyers, backgrounds and banners, here (opens new window)