Dementia Housing Working Group identifies a lack of national focus on dementia friendly housing standards

With inadequate national dementia friendly housing policy direction and limited investment in dementia training for housing professionals, hosted on its website by the Housing LIN, the Dementia Housing Working Group is relaunching itself as the only national group taking this agenda forward.
The Dementia and Housing Working Group brings together a wide range of volunteer stakeholders with an action-oriented ethos and a track record of producing tangible outcomes.
With nearly 950,000 people living with dementia in the UK and 70% who live in the community, the group feels it is imperative to improve standards and continue to drive forward the recommendations of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Report ‘Housing for People with Dementia - Are We Ready?’, utilising their combined knowledge to help others.
The housing sector plays a key role in enabling people with dementia to live independently in a suitable home environment in accordance with their needs and aspirations.
Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes, chair of DHWG and Head of Strategic Operations at Housing 21 says:
“Housing 21 has chaired the Housing and Dementia Working Group for a number of years and consider it an honour to bring together so many people who are passionate about the important role of appropriate housing for people living with dementia. Collectively there is so much knowledge, passion and enthusiasm in the group that we are determined to make a difference and ensure the work and meaningful conversation around housing and dementia continues and develops.”
A recent achievement for DHWG has been the development of a “go to” resource which is being used by policy makers, RPs and housing developers, health and care professionals, those living with dementia and their carers, the home improvement sector, and building environment supply chains. It’s an amazing signpost to the many resources out there. Dementia Information Hub (opens new window)
Yvonne Castle, Group Chief Executive of Johnnie Johnson Housing, added how she is benefiting from being a DHWG member:
“Their work on a national Information Hub has been a quality source of information and ideas for our West Yorkshire Dementia-ready Housing Task Force. Our aim is to link into this to join up and provide similar information for our communities in West Yorkshire.
We’ve also used the Group’s work on a Dementia Champion role profile and made that our own. We now have a network of Dementia Champions across West Yorkshire. Our work in West Yorkshire, inspired by the Mayor Tracy Brabin’s commitment to dementia, is now looking at our new homes pipeline to promote dementia-friendly design and also seeking to identify how we retrofit our existing homes to make sure people with dementia can live longer, and better, in their own homes.”
There are 36 DHWG members, including housing providers, government departments, universities, national networks and organisations interested in dementia and housing, as well as people living with dementia.
If you would like to join us and get involved in our workplan please contact