Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing: Co-Production for Impact and Scale

The University of Stirling have got the green light from the UK Research & Innovation healthy ageing challenge to research into designing homes for healthy cognitive Ageing: Co-Production for impact and scale (DesHCA).

The Housing LIN is delighted to be one of the non-academic partners in this international research project to create future-proof housing to meet the needs of the world’s ageing population.

Led by Professor Alison Bowes, the project will bring together Scotland’s leading experts on dementia and dementia design, the building industry, architects, housing providers and people in the community. It is being supported by the royal charity Silviahemmet (also a member of the Housing LIN’s TAPPI (opens new window) Panel).

Hot on the heels of the recent APPG housing and dementia report (opens new window), it will work together to identify housing innovations that can better support people living with cognitive conditions, such as dementia, for longer.

For more about this exciting project, visit the DesHCA website (opens new window).