Does your work involve designing, constructing, supplying or managing housing in the Uk?


Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing (DesHCA) is a UKRI funded research project that explores the different ways people's homes can be built or adapted support them as they age. 

The University of Stirling is eager to hear from professionals living in the UK about what they think matters most when we're talking about designing supportive housing. How should a supportive house make people feel, what should it help them to do, and what does that mean for how we create, supply, and manage the homes of the future?

That's where you come in. They want you to take part in their eDelphi exercise - a series of three 10-minute surveys over the next three months to help them learn more about the things that matter to you. 

If you have 10 minutes to spare and want to make your voice heard, take their 1st survey here (opens new window).