EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2013
Twenty six housing schemes and care homes for older people learnt today they have won a medal in national awards judged by residents and tenants.
However they will have to wait for the annual National Housing Older People Award ceremony in September to find out whether their medal is gold, silver or bronze. A further 27 schemes have been highly commended.
Supported by the Housing LIN, the awards are organised by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC), the national advice and information charity that helps older people make informed choices about their housing and care needs.
A record number of 3305 residents from 295 schemes took part in this year's awards. They marked their own housing scheme on a range of measures as part of an innovative card game developed by EAC.
Residents of the successful sheltered and retirement housing schemes have been invited to enter an art competition, "Motoring along Memory Lane", the entries for which will be exhibited at the event.
The medals will be revealed and presented at the lunch on 24 September 2013 at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham.
For more information on the Awards, including the finalists, or to book a place at the lunch, please visit www.housingcare.org, phone 020 7820 3755 or email housingawards@eac.org.uk