Ensuring the delivery of supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs

Cover HLIN NHF Supported Housing Needs

Published today, ‘Supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs’ is a new report from the Housing LIN for the NHF to coincide with their campaign, Homes At The Heart, sets out what is required to ensure there is sustainable development of supported housing for adults with long term care and support needs.

Consulting with NHF members, other trade and professional bodies, the research is intended to help:

  • Better understand the current challenges affecting the development of supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs.
  • Based on the evidence gathered, set out recommendations for a more sustainable model for developing long-term supported housing in the future.
  • Provide evidence that the NHF can use as part of its approach to influence the Government’s spending review