Extra Care Housing Fund 2008-10 Announcement
The Department of Health has confirmed funding of £80m over two years (2008-2010) for the Extra Care Housing Fund. It follows Putting People First and the recent Local Authority Circular that set out the capital and revenue arrangements to transform the delivery of social care in England.
The money will allow local authorities and their partners to build on previous innovation in providing greater housing with care choices for older people and/or other people with long-term conditions. Since the first grant arrangements were allocated in 2004, the Department of Health has now made £227m available to local authorities and their partners, through a bidding process.
The new developments should promote independence, well-being and good health and enable residents to remain in their own homes - where necessary with the support of appropriate care services. Ministers also expect that using the Fund will stimulate the wider development of a range of housing with care services within the boundaries of each successful local authority as part of a Local Area Agreement (LAA).
See the ministerial announcement and the bidding guidance and documents on the Department of Health's website at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/SocialCare/Deliveringadultsocialcare/Housing/DH_083199
The Extra Care Housing Fund (2008-2010) Bidding guidance and documents are also available on this website.