Feelings of isolation and loneliness increase among over-55s during Covid-19

Isolation and Loneliness how are people aged 55 and over coping cover

At the start of 2021, Central & Cecil (C&C) published findings of research by over 200 C&C residents to seek their attitudes towards isolation and loneliness.

A year on, a new report and accompanied blog returns to find out if residents have become ‘used’ to the presence of Coivd-19 and developed new coping strategies to stave off isolation and loneliness, or whether the pandemic is continuing to take its toll.

The report reveals findings from C&C's survey, conducted across December 2021 and January 2022. The objectives were to revisit their isolation and loneliness study, understanding current perceptions of C&C residents and the impact the pandemic has had in the last 12 months.

The accompanied blog, by C&C's Managing Director, Julia Ashley, talks us through these findings, including what partner organisations are doing to help curb isolation and loneliness.