First HLIN Cymru Steering Group of year sets 2025 priorities

The Housing LIN Cymru Steering Group held its first meeting of the year yesterday, meeting online to agree its work priorities for 2025. These include:
- building a robust evidence case on the benefits of extra care housing
- designing for climate change and how the sector can develop sustainably to reduce environmental impact
- a greater focus on intergenerational housing and mix-aged communities
- engaging better with NHS and LA commissioners on the preventative qualities of housing, and
- developing a communications plan to showcase Welsh members’ achievements, case studies and thought-leadership, and hosting roundtables and events to engage with HLIN Cymru members in person, progress and report on the Steering Groups priorities.
We were also delighted to be joined by three past and current members of the Housing LIN’s Future Leaders Programme who work in the housing and homeless sectors in Wales. They all shared the personal value of being on the programme and the benefit it has brought them professionally.