Future Leaders prepare for Housing LIN Summit 2023

Final Future Leaders Network Session

Earlier today we were delighted to hold the final meeting with our 2nd cohort of Future Leaders.

This inspiring group of young professionals were joined by guest speaker, Jeremy Porteus, CEO at Housing LIN, who shared with us his career pathway and lessons in leadership he has adopted today.

They later collaborated to produce/prepare a presentation on their experience of the programme that they will present at the Housing LIN Summit 2023 - A Festival of Ideas session on 'Inspiring young talent: investing in our future housing and care leaders’ later this year.

The group is also in the final stages of writing a blog documenting how the programme has impacted their outlook on leadership in their current job and their wider career aspirations. 

We very much look forward to sharing their experiences at our upcoming #HLINSummit23 next month - details to follow!