Get involved in HAPPI Awareness Week 2023

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HAPPI Awareness Week is a week-long observance of care-ready accommodation and age-friendly house services. It was launched in 2020 by the Housing LIN to help promote what's best in housing for an ageing population.

This year, HAPPI Awareness Week takes place from Monday, 18 December to Friday, 22 December. Throughout the week we will share a selection of daily news items celebrating different aspects of the 'care ready' HAPPI design principles.

What is Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI)?

The first Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) report was commissioned by the Department of Communities and Local Government (now the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) and the Department of Health (now the Department of Health and Social Care), and was managed by the Homes and Communities Agency (now Homes England).

The Panel - chaired by Lord Best - comprised of eminent architects, academics and construction industry leaders who set out 10 key HAPPI principles. They go beyond good age-friendly design and are particularly relevant to the spectrum of older persons' housing which needs to offer an attractive alternative to the family home and be able to adapt over time to meet changing needs.

Since then, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People has published four additional reports all exploring issues on HAPPI.

HAPPI Hour - HAPPI 15 Years On
Tuesday 19 December 2023 from 4pm - 5pm

To coincide with this year's HAPPI Awareness Week, we're excited to host a FREE webinar to reflect on the development of the 10 HAPPI design principles, and consider how successful they have been in creating more accessible, age-friendly housing.

In association with PRP and chaired by Lord Best this HAPPI Hour session will also consider whether the HAPPI principles have yet shifted older people’s mindset of what well-designed, good quality and attractive housing should be for an ageing population.

We look forward to showcasing this through examples of award-winning HAPPI developments from our guest presenters, including an operator/developer perspective.

How to get involved 

We're keen to hear your HAPPI-inspired stories and best practice examples! Share them with us at (opens new window).

If you are on Twitter then you can join the conversation using #HAPPIweek (opens new window) - we will be tweeting from @HLINComms.