HAPPI Hour - Housing and Health Partnerships: Top Tips for NHS Front Line Staff and Commissioners

In collaboration with The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services in the East of England we are delighted to host this HAPPI Hour webinar focussing on work in the East of England by ADASS and partners, including Housing LIN.
๐ Online - Zoom
Tuesday 11 June 2024
๐ 4pm - 5pm
This webinar will specifically highlight two recent guides designed to assist people working within or alongside NHS staff in navigating housing services, systems, and professional networks effectively.
With integrated care systems and boards in place, these guide aims to provide clear signposting for some of the more common situations and circumstances encountered, including problems with housing, homelessness and responsibility for adaptations.
You will hear from leading commissioners and providers in the region on how they have been used to cross the housing and health divide, including:
- Claire Astbury, Head of Housing Strategy & Development, Luton Borough Council
- Trish Reed, Talent Bank Associate through Partnership Solutions Ltd, East of England Local Government Association
- Helen Ricketts, Senior Housing Manager, Learning Disabilities and Autism Programme, NHS East of England
We hope to see you there!