HLINks 24th April 2020
A must read. This week’s HLINks is now available.
Here at the Housing LIN the value of our free online networks at this time can not be underestimated. Our COVID-19 business continuity is built on nearly ten years of experience operating a platform that is designed to connect organisations and practitioners to aid their organisational development or individual learning, keep members up-to-date with relevant sector news and insights, and help them access support to review strategic plans and/or make operational service improvements. It's in our strapline, 'Connecting people, ideas and resources'.
This week we feature our latest COVID-19 practice briefings, a selection of guest blogs and provide a round-up of news and resources on housing with care matters.
We also have further information about the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, including updates to our Coronavirus Info Hub, and updates to guidance from the UK government.
HLINks also features:
- An update on our Home from Hospital map, developed jointly with Foundations, which highlights examples of where housing organisations and local services are, or have been actively supporting hospital discharges and helping to get people home
- A round-up of other news and resources on specialist housing, design and technology and health and care relevant for our sector, and
- Details of next week’s publications.