HLINks Weekly: 10 June 2024

This week, we are excited to celebrate two significant awareness weeks.
Loneliness Awareness Week (opens new window) offers an opportunity to encourage everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection that help us feel happier and less lonely.
Additionally, Carers Week (opens new window), with this year's theme 'Putting Carers on the Map', aims to increase visibility for carers among decision-makers, services, employers, communities and businesses.
We are pleased to present new Housing LIN guest blogs that highlight key themes around both loneliness and carers, including:
- Working Together to Tackle Loneliness by Sarah Mitton, Age Friendly Communities Manager at Clarion Futures, Clarion Housing Group
- Loneliness and the Built Environment: Towards Compassionate Places by Natasha Reid, Founder of Matter Space Soul
Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!
Best wishes,
The Housing LIN Team
The Housing LIN would like to thank Tunstall Healthcare (opens new window) for its sponsorship of our news pages. This, along with this newsletter, enables us to bring the latest news and information on housing with care and technology matters to our members.