HM Treasury publishes areas of research interest

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Hot on the heals of the Chancellor’s autumn budget last month, HM Treasury have published its areas of research interest (ARI). Of interest to Housing LIN members will be the references to housing, technology and place.

While not specific to housing for older people or working age adults with disabilities, in relation to meeting growth objectives, HM Treasury stated ARI’s include:

  • What are the impacts of input costs (like housing, and energy) on productivity and economic dynamism? (Q1.9)
  • What are the potential productivity benefits from an increase in diffusion of technology and from AI? What is needed to boost technology and AI uptake? (Q1.11)
  • What policies and interventions would be most effective in driving regional and local economic growth, and how do these vary across places? How can we improve our understanding of the growth opportunities and barriers to investment across different locations across the UK? (Q1.15)
  • How should we identify areas of current UK sectoral and technological strengths? How should this evolve as new sectors emerge? (Q1.16)
  • What policies could improve the affordability of housing? (Q1.18)
  • What roles are there for emerging technology, including AI, in developing, delivering and evaluating public policy? How can public services maximise these opportunities? (Q7.1)

Further information on how to submit evidence can be found in the document in the link below.