Happy International Day of Older Persons 2023!

Sunday, 1 October 2023 marks International Day of Older Persons. This year’s theme encourages people to get curious and be proud about their place. Housing LIN recognises the integral role of older people in their place, and the importance of place to ageing well.

We celebrate the lives of older people, highlighting the opportunities and challenges associated with getting older on our dedicated housing for older people webpages, kindly supported by Places for People Living Plus.

A New Perspective on Older People’s Housing Choices

For example, check out this new briefing, published by Centre for Ageing Better, which sets out how we can challenge the persistent and misleading narratives around older people’s housing and deliver local housing plans that work for people of all ages. As well as their recent report investigating how we can better understand the difficulties faced by over 4 million older people actively seeking to move home to improve their quality of life.

New Inspirational Achievement reimagines the almshouse concept for modern, inner-city living

To celebrate International Day of Older Persons (IDOP), we are pleased to share our newest Inspirational Achievement in collaboration with the United St. Saviours Charity.

Appleby Blue, a newly developed social housing project which reimages the almhouse concept of modern inner-city living, comprises of 57 homes for residents 65 or over in Southwark.

Designed by Stirling Prize-winning architects, Witherford Watson Mann, the building provides a blueprint for future adult social housing projects for older persons.

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Creating Age-Friendly Developments: A Practical guide for ensuring homes and communities support ageing in place

To mark International Day of Older Persons (October 1st), the GM Housing Planning and Ageing Group released ‘Creating Age-Friendly Developments’ - a new guide for architects, planners and residential developers, which aims to the development of more ‘age-friendly’ urban developments.

The guide provides guidance to industry professionals about how to embed age-inclusion into all new housing schemes. It highlights a series of considerations for designers and developers to consider, ranging from how older people's voice should be included in the planning process, how neighbourhoods can support ageing in place, and features of age-inclusive housing.

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