Homes at the Heart

Homes at the Heart launch graphic

The Housing LIN is proud to join the National Housing Federation and other leading bodies and networks to call for a ‘once in a generation’ investment in social housing. Hot on the heels of yesterday’s conference, Recover /Reset / Regenerate, we are calling for a consensus that social housing must be at the heart of our country’s recovery. Making reference to better health and care outcomes (see the link to the NHF’s research briefing below) our four asks are:

  • Public investment in all types of new and existing social housing gives more back to the economy than it takes.
  • Building and improving social homes, including delivering on the decarbonisation agenda, creates jobs, kick-starts growth and brings huge environmental benefits.
  • Investing in supporting people to live well in their social homes improves health and wellbeing, and drives cost savings for the NHS.
  • Social housing is at the centre of thriving communities.

More about the Homes at the Heart campaign and the letter to the Chancellor can be found here. And to view our work on the health care benefits of housing with care, see our report for Southampton City Council here.