House of Lords committee publishes report on intergenerational unfairness

Cover Intergenerational Unfairness

The House of Lords Committee on Intergenerational Fairness and Provision has called on the Government to take steps to deliver a fairer society by supporting younger people in the housing and employment market, and deliver better in-work training and lifelong learning to prepare the country for the coming 100-year lifespan.

The report includes policy recommendations in key areas including housing. The housing policy recommendations include:

  • Grant local authorities a presumption to develop unused land owned by public sector bodies and give them greater freedom to borrow to build.
  • Ensure local authorities have specific planning policies to meet the housing needs of younger and older people.
  • Government reforms to the rented sector do not do enough to provide tenants with long term secure tenancies. They should be backed up by a new regulatory framework.

See the full report by clicking on the link below.