Housing Design Awards 2022 submissions are now open!

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The Housing LIN are very proud to be long-standing supporters of the HAPPI category of the Housing Design Awards.

Since its creation in 1948, over a thousand housing schemes have won a Housing Design Award.

The Housing Design Awards is a unique partnership between Government, its agencies and all major built professions and their professional institutes. The 20 judges represent architecture, planning, surveying, development, insurance, research and include key personnel from funders, such as Homes England and the GLA, plus the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government. Together they search out submissions that are both innovative and replicable.

Enter the 2022 Housing Design Awards as an opportunity to build on the excellent HAPPI designs awarded in 2021.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 3 March 2022.

You can find more information about HAPPI principles on our HAPPI topic page.