Housing LIN Celebrates Social Prescribing Day 2025

Social Prescribing Day is an annual celebration honoring the people, organisations, and communities that make social prescribing a reality.

In the specialist housing sector, social prescribing provides a holistic, cost-effective, and person-centered approach to resident care. This approach not only improves health outcomes but also enhances community engagement and fosters a greater sense of independence for those living in specialist housing.

The NHS, in particular, is focused on promoting joined-up care and building a nationwide ecosystem for data sharing. This system would ensure that patients receive the same high-quality care no matter where they are in the UK. One of the key initiatives in the NHS 10-Year Plan is social prescribing, which aims to integrate this approach into the wider healthcare system. Learn more about the NHS 10-Year Plan and social prescribing here (opens new window).

This year, we draw attention to a range of resource, including:

Building the Economic Case for Social Prescribing

The National Academy for Social Prescribing has published 13 evidence publications to date which suggest that social prescribing can reduce costs and pressure in the health care system. Recognising the urgent need to demonstrate the health economic benefits of social prescribing, they commissioned a rapid scoping review of 19 studies on the economic impact of social prescribing and 7 studies on the impact of social prescribing on health service usage.

Innovations In Social Prescribing: the role of housing

This report was developed in partnership with the National Academy of Social Prescribing, HACT, Royal Voluntary Service and Housing LIN. It outlines our first steps in building awareness and connection between social housing and the social prescribing community.

HAPPI Hour Webinar on Social Prescribing: It’s a Better Prescription

This HAPPI Hour webinar: 

  • showcased examples of innovative practice in social prescribing by housing associations and others
  • explored how social prescribing pathways can be identified and maximised through connections with housing
  • shared lessons learned in how housing organisations can work with other sector partners to support health and wellbeing 
  • reported on how social prescribing has enabled customers to achieve greater resilience

If you found this of interest, check out a range of other innovative examples on social prescribing we have compiled from a housing and community perspective in our CollaborAGE directory.