Housing LIN Future Leaders Update

Future Leaders 211022 get together image

As reported in last week's e-newsletter, HLINks we were delighted to hold the first in person meeting with our 2nd cohort of Housing LIN Future Leaders!

Hosted by Housing 21 in their Birmingham mead office, we were joined by Sarah Mitton, Clarion's Age-friendly programme manager and a member of our 1st cohort of Future Leaders. We were also joined by Greensquare Accord's Executive Director of Care and Support, Maxine Esply MBE.

They both gave powerful presentations on the leadership qualities that have inspired them in their careers. 

Yasmeen Hussein​, Policy Executive at Foundations, said:

"I have felt incredibly inspired by both the Speakers and my colleagues in this cohort of Future Leaders. Learning about how to develop my voice and ensure that everyone in the room is heard has been especially valuable and I'm really looking forward to the final session."

Darius Ghadiali, Data Analyst & Knowledge Exchange Officer, Housing LIN, commented:

"The Future Leaders Programme has been a great way to meet other like-minded professionals that care about their personal and professional development. It's been a great introduction to the concept of healthy leadership and has provided the opportunity to reflect on which kinds of areas I'd like to further explore."

Carla Resendiz Villasenor, Product Development Manager at Norscot, added:

"I feel so lucky to have been able to listen to first-hand experiences of powerful leaders in the housing sector. The recommendations they have provided have added value to how I approach challenges at personal and professional levels. This experience helped me with decision-making to take in my new role." 

This year-long programme provides a valuable opportunity for successful applicants to learn through the lived experience of a selection of industry leaders about what/who inspired or influenced them and what qualities they looked out for to enable them to then develop their own leadership styles and credentials. Each session encourages and creates space for open discussion and skill sharing.