Housing LIN HAPPI Hour webinars return in April!

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Following our highly successful virtual Summit - A festival of Ideas, we are pleased to announce a new season of HAPPI Hour sessions commences on Tuesday, 18 April.

Sign up to four initial sessions and look out for others planned this May - July.

Tuesday, 18/04/2023 4:00pm - 5:15pm Reimagining Care: the Church of England Commission’s Vision

  • Following the launch the Archbishop’s Commission on Reimagining Care in January this year, this HAPPI Hour will put the spotlight on the Commission’s long-term vision for care and support for a National Care Covenant and share findings for the church and other faith communities, including those working in the housing with care sector to help implement the vision.

Tuesday, 25/04/2023 4:00pm - 5:15pm How can supported housing providers help the NHS with some of its greatest challenges?

  • Following the launch of their report 'Away from hospital and into the community', we are delighted to welcome George Garrad, Associate Director of Health from Look Ahead Care and Support and associated speakers to a HAPPI Hour session.
    We'll hear from other speakers who will discuss how supported housing can support the NHS to reduce hospital admissions and prevent delayed discharge. 

Tuesday, 16/05/2023 4:00pm - 5:15pm Building better and beautiful: Place-shaping to regenerate homes and communities

  • In association with Winckworth Sherwood solicitors, we are pleased to host this HAPPI Hour session on regenerating new homes and place-shaping and the procurement and development process.

Tuesday, 23/05/2023 4:00pm - 5:15pm Shared Ownership for our Ageing Population (SO HAPPI)

  • Following January's launch of the latest APPG on Housing and Care for Older People inquiry report 'Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing for older people' we are delighted to secure Inquiry Chair, Lord Best, who will highlight the key findings and recommendations from the report.

UKRI conf logoIn recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge (opens new window), delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of these online events.