Housing LIN Newsletter April 2012
Welcome to the April issue of Housing with Care Matters, the newsletter from the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN).
This 'bumper' issue coincides with our first anniversary outside the Department of Health and is filled with succinct information giving the latest policy and funding news relating to housing, health and social care; new resources available from the Housing LIN that call for improvements in housing choices for older people; a wealth of useful on-line materials for you to explore in greater detail or share with members; and lists opportunities for you to network at one of our regional meetings and find out more about practice and research developments and innovation in your area. In particular, the 'essential ingredients' in this newsletter include:
- recent Parliamentary activities including the Budget, Health and Social Care and Welfare Reform
- the Housing & Ageing Alliance's housing for older people local election manifesto and the Housing LIN's new briefing on the 'new deal for older people's housing'
- effective resources that can help you get to grips with personalisation or develop Market Position Statements
- details of the opening of the latest DH funded extra care scheme and provides data on how you can locate the provision of a range of housing choices for older people in the UK
- a comprehensive round-up of influential new reports and studies that impact on the delivery of housing, health and wellbeing, social care, integration, dementia, telecare etc
- calls for information on 'cutting edge' research projects/studies supported by the Housing LIN
- highlights of what's new in your region and details of our forthcoming regional meetings and events, and
- much more!
Stay networked with the Housing LIN for insight into all that's happening across housing, health and social care.