Housing LIN Newsletter December 2013

Cover Enews Decmber 2013With a round-up of all the latest news, views and resources from the housing, health and social care world, it is essential reading to stay on the pulse in our fast moving sector. Whether you are involved in developing or managing housing with care, commissioning or funding schemes, making policy or undertaking research, we have selected items that we believe should be highly relevant for you.

In this issue, we:

  • give you early notice about our free annual conference, to be held on 18 February 2014. Watch out for news of our booking arrangements from 23 December
  • bring you the key policy and funding news across housing, health and social care
  • cover the most up-to-date intelligence, market news, stats and figures
  • promote a range of new 'must read' Housing LIN resources
    • a new briefing on the anticipated implications of care funding post Dilnot for extra care housing
    • viewpoints on designing for an ageing population, stimulating downsizing; and making the links between housing and public health, and
    • case studies on East Sussex's business case for extra care housing, a new HAPPI scheme in Hackney, and Plymouth Council's Older People's Charter
  • Willmott Dixonprovide an update from our sister network, the Telecare LIN
  • draw your attention to a selection of publications/resources from other organisations
  • invite you to participate in calls for information from SCIE on safeguarding, RIBA's work on ageing and the built environment, and the WM telecare project
  • showcase recent developments and all that's happening across the Housing LIN regions, including forthcoming network meetings and events, and
  • much, much more!

We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters