Housing LIN Newsletter December 2014
The December edition of 'Housing with Care Matters', the highly informative Housing LIN newsletter, is now out. Packed with all the latest policy, funding and practice developments relevant to housing with care and housing related support for older people and those with long term conditions.
I would particularly like to highlight an extensive selection of new Housing LIN products. They include:
- the winners of the two categories we supported at this year's National Housing for Older People Awards on p.4
- my 2 new blogs (pp4), 'Liberate your mind and service users' and 'Improving the immovable'
- A new illustrated case study report (pp4) exploring recurring design strategies of winners of the HAPPI Housing Design Awards.
- 6 Case Studies (pp4-6)covering everything from independent living in the award-winning scheme St Bede's in Bedford and independent living with care for people living with dementia in Beeches Manor in Wokingham, to the role of extra care in the regeneration of the Dee Park estate in Berkshire, as well as how an ECH scheme in Swansea has become an integral resource for the wider community, and finally lessons from the US on finding additional ways in which affordable housing for vulnerable and older people can be funded in the UK.
- 5 Viewpoints (pp6&7) on thought-provoking subjects such as: what can we learn from the way the housing developers in the US are meeting the housing demand of the ageing baby boomers; is park home living a good option for later life, despite a negative image?; how adult social care services are commissioned and delivered in ECH and retirement villages; insights into some of the current debates and developments in health through the lens of general practice and primary care; the issues and challenges facing local authorities tasked with securing greater integration of services and the role housing could play in integrated care.
And finally, we bring you the latest updates on a range of other new reports and resources on housing for older people, health, social care, dementia and telecare (pp7-10), along with a round-up of what's happening across our regions, future 'discovery visits' and partner training opportunities and events, including our next Annual Conference, which will be held on 17th February 2015 (pp10-15). Registrations will open mid-January. Watch this space!
Stay connected with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved with the Housing LIN. You can also network with us on Twitter at @HousingLIN
We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters.